Tips for Successful Timelapse Photography with Corey Rich

Chris Nachtwey

A great timelapse video is something really special. When done correctly, they can transport the viewer to a different world. I personally have always been interested in how one is shot from the actual shooting perspective vs. the post. I haven’t seen many behind the scenes videos explaining how to actually set up your gear to capture the amazing images needed to create a timelapse until now.


In the Nikon sponsored video below, Corey Rich shows you how he sets up his gear to create a beautiful star-filled timelapse.


Nikon D800

Nikkor 28mm f/1.4G



Corey does a great job explaining how he shoots a timelapse image.  Timelapses are multiple still images taken over time and put together to create a video. Knowing he is shooting still images, Corey treats his timelapse as a still photo first, composing his image perfectly. He then makes sure to lock down his tripod in place. A tripod is key, because you are going to be setting your camera to take images automatically using the interval timer and you are making long exposures that if not sturdy will look blurry.

Corey sets the interval timer (once you start your timer, it will keep making images automatically until your stop the camera, no need to hit a shutter release every 30 seconds) on his Nikon D800 to 45 seconds. He suggests always making the interval time between images longer than your exposure. His camera settings were very simple: 800 ISO, RAW, f/1.4 on a 28mm lens.


Finally, he uses a daylight-balanced LED light placed inside the tent on a very low output setting to illuminate the tent in the images.

corey-rich-timelapse-bts-4 corey-rich-timelapse-bts


I loved this quick little tutorial. The info was simple and easy to understand, and even if you are not making timelapse videos, you can use these same techniques to capture the stars on a clear night in a still image. I personally love that he used the LED light to illuminated the tent. Adding the tent to the foreground gives the final product a nice sense of adventure.

Via: Nikon USA Youtube

Images via screen capture. 


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