
Why I Choose the Leica M9 Over the Nikon D4S – My Leica Experience
J. Cassario
My experience as a wedding photographer with the Leica M9 and explain a little about why I ultimately chose to not send the rental back.

How a Canon 5D Mark II is Transformed into a Pseduo-Leica
Usually, when one acquires a $6,500 Leica Noctilux 50mm f/1 lens, that’s usually a great thing. The problem for San Diego photographer Robert Brenson is that he did not have a Leica rangefinder body to go with that lens. So then Robert transformed his Canon 5d mkII so it can accept the Noctilux.

The GIZMON iCA Review | Retro Camera iPhone Case
Matthew Ryan
Behold the Gizmon iCA. You’ve never seen an iPhone case like this! Made...