capture one

SonyPixelShift2DNG Makes Sony Pixel-Shift More Practical & Gets The Files Into Your Favorite Processor
Kishore Sawh
A highly effective solution that's better than Sony's own offering.

Capture One Tips | How To Edit A Cityscape In Capture One
Holly Roa
If you are a Lightroom user who frequently finds themselves wishing that Lightroom could do this or that, you owe ...

Capture One vs Lightroom: How Each Approaches RAW Images
Wendell Weithers
How important is better raw conversion to you?

Capture One 11 Tutorial | The Basics of ‘Base Characteristics’
Justin Heyes
Want to try Capture One? Understanding this will make it all the better

Affinity Photo For Desktop & IPad, & Affinity Designer On Sale 20-25% Off | Deal Dash
Kishore Sawh
Deal ends tonight!

Capture One Tips | How And Why To Use Capture One ‘Sessions’
Holly Roa
Capture One Sessions are a thing of beauty, and here we'll introduce why.

Capture One Tips | Easy Color-Grading With The ‘Color Balance’ Tool
Holly Roa
Executing a color grade with Capture One isn't difficult, but effective

How To Even Out & Control Skin Tone Easily | Capture One Tutorial
Kishore Sawh
A tool you won't want to do without. Ever.

New Capture One Film Styles Pack | Emulated Color, Contrast, and Texture of Film Stocks
Justin Heyes
The ubiquity of presets for Lightroom have become like direct-selling beauty products or kitchen supplies, where people you haven’t heard ...

Capture One Releases Spectrum Styles Pack | Add Tone to Your Images Without Affecting Exposure
Justin Heyes
Capture One Pro is filling out their line of powerful Styles.