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23 Apr 2024




Is Facebook Selling Us Fake ‘Likes?’

A few days ago, popular Science YouTube channel, Veritasium, released a viral video titled, “Facebook Fraud.” In the video, Derek Muller the man behind Veritasium, alleges that Facebook has set up phony accounts, in essence a “click farm,” so that when businesses legitimately pays to advertise and boost their posts, they seemingly get a ton of likes, just as they paid for.


How A Studio Can Help Your Wedding Photography Business

One of the luxuries of being a full time wedding photographer is being able to work in the comfort of your own home. Washington DC wedding photographer Sam Hurd recently decided to give that luxury up. In a bold move to not only impress potential clients but create a distraction free work environment, Sam leased a 1500 square foot building 2 miles from home and turned it into a studio.