Visual Flow

Visual Flow Releases The Pure Pack, Editorial Lightroom Presets
The Pure Lightroom Preset Pack offers photographers a clean editorial look with a subtle matte finish. Think of a cinematic ...

Rethink Black & White Editing w/ the BW Mixer by Visual Flow
Visual Flow, a sister company of SLR Lounge, just launched their latest set photo editing tools called the Black and ...

How to Create Presets to Quickly Edit Your Photos in Lightroom | Quick Reference
In this article, we’ll show you how to create presets that work with your style of shooting to quickly edit your photos in Lightroom.

Lightroom VS Photoshop | Which Application Is Best for Your Editing Needs?
This is one of the most commonly asked questions about photo editing software. In this article, we'll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both Lightroom and Photoshop, so that you know exactly when to use which application.

How to Import Photos Into Lightroom Classic CC and Create a Standard Import Preset (2020 Update) | Quick Reference
We're going to give a quick breakdown of the Import Dialog box to show you how to import photos into Lightroom CC Classic. We'll also show you how to create a standard import preset to further maximize your post production workflow.

How to Create a Catalog in Lightroom Classic CC (2020 Update) | Quick Reference
We're going to walk you through how to set up a catalog in Lightroom Classic CC. Let's dive right in!

Adobe Camera Raw Vs. Lightroom | Quick Reference
See how these two Adobe editing solutions compare and decide which is the best for your workflow.

How to Create Incredible Black & White Images in Lightroom (and Make Your Own Presets) | Quick Reference
Using Lightroom's standard black & white conversion profile as a base, we're going to show you how to create incredible black & white images with a few simple tweaks (which you can then use to create your own preset)!

How to Use the Lightroom Panorama Tool | Quick Reference
Creating panoramic images within Lightroom is quick and easy using the Panorama Photomerge option from the Develop Module. In this Lightroom tutorial, we will outline exactly how to create panoramic images while giving you tips along the way.