Better To Shoot in B&W Or Convert in Post?
Shooting B&W in-camera has some massive benefits, and digital just makes it great training. Here’s how easy it is to set-up and why you should
Shooting B&W in-camera has some massive benefits, and digital just makes it great training. Here’s how easy it is to set-up and why you should
When you set out to build a career doing something you love, the last thing you might expect to worry about is burning out. After all, as Confucius allegedly said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life.” In reality, photographers divide their time between multiple tasks and … Read more
Film photography has been “making a comeback” ever since it “went out of style”, and rightfully so! We have always enjoyed the beautiful images that can be captured by film. If you’re looking for an easy, affordable way to shoot film for the very first time, or to get back to film after shooting digital, … Read more
Street photography is one of the most popular forms of photography because of its accessibility to the masses. Anyone with a mobile phone camera can be a street photographer, and any moment can become an inspired street photography moment. Whether you’re taking a walk in the neighborhood or exploring a new city on vacation, interesting … Read more
Venus Optics announces the add of Canon RF mount for Laowa 11mm f/4.5 FF RL lens and Nikon Z mount for Laowa 65mm f/2.8 2x Ultra-Macro APO
Megadap, a new manufacturer of electronic adapters, has announced its new Megadap Leica M – Nikon Z Autofocus Adapter which is the World’s First adapter to be used on Nikon Z cameras that can turn manual focus lenses into autofocus. The new Megadap adapter replaces the focusing mechanism of the lens by incorporating an extendable … Read more
Sigma is now the first third-party lens maker to have a telephoto lens for full-frame mirrorless cameras! Behold, the Sigma 100-400mm f/5-6.3 DG DN OS Contemporary. So far, it’s only available for Sony’s E-mount and the Leica/Panasonic/Sigma L-mount, however, I hope Sigma is secretly working on developing full-frame mirrorless lenses for Nikon Z and Canon … Read more
The new 14mm f/4 RL Zero-D A super compact ultra-wide-angle lens with ZERO-D and 52mm filter thread
Venus Optics has unveiled the new Laowa 9mm f/5.6 FF RL lens, the world’s widest rectilinear lens for full-frame cameras. Venus Optics has been designing ultra-wide angle lenses with outstanding optical performance and their 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 lens is currently the world’s widest zoom lens for full-frame cameras. Ultra-wide perspective Featuring a remarkable 135° angle of … Read more
Sometimes, dipping into the old ways can teach you something more about the new. Follow along as Sean Tucker has a great discussion with street photography Mavis CW, about how the process of shooting and developing film can reignite the spark for photography.
“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants” – Issac Newton
“One of the best things about relocating your photography business is the ability to kind of ‘rebrand’ yourself in your new city.”